New York

I'm lucky (knock on the wood!) enough to be able to work from home for now.. Not sure how long it will be possible to maintain, but hopeful it will last at least a little bit more .. 
There are so many people who could not keep their positions - it is so excruciatingly sad, unexpected and, frankly speaking, not sure what could be done in their position.. 
But the situation is the same in Moscow and some other countries. My family is in my grandmother's house, dacha. They are together and that warms my heart! 
One of my friends who is now in Helsinki says there is no lock down, she and the kids are able to go to the playground and even nursery.   
A friend in Zurich is working from home with his family. 
Friends in London are working from home too, but they are experiencing some food delivery problems. However still manageable to get the food and make some walks with their toddler to secluded areas. 


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