Jenna Orkin
New York City
New York City
Five Pluses to Covid-19
(Besides the One About Keeping Us From Further Effing Up the Planet)
(Besides the One About Keeping Us From Further Effing Up the Planet)
1. There aren't so many robocalls. Maybe the person or device deploying them went out of business.
(Not sure what this is but it looks celebratory.)

2. If you don't want to go out, you have an excuse! You can even feel virtuous.
3. Ditto for not wanting to attend a particular meeting or talk to a particular person, or a thousand other things devoutly to be avoided.
4. A whole new genre of video has been born in which people show how they stay in shape within the confines of a throw-rug.
5. Videos like this one: Maskmaker, maskmaker, make me a mask. There are times when in spite of everything, you have to love the human race.
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