
Showing posts from May, 2020
From Jenna Orkin New York City    Coronavirus hasn't changed my social life that much. Most days, I attend at least one zoom group with like-minded souls who are interested in foreign languages but not interested enough to enroll in a class; we just "converse" for an hour, gaily stumbling over our thoughts, filling in each other's failing vocabularies, in the touchingly naive belief that the blind can lead the blind towards eventual enlightenment. Actually, we're not really that naive and believe it or not, we do become more "fluent" in our particular brand of Spanglish or Chinglish or whatever it happens to be.  And sometimes we're graced by the presence of a native speaker to whose expertise we appeal with all due reverence.    This is actually a more conducive set-up than the marathons that used to take place every week, with a hundred polyglot hopefuls jammed into a bar shouting over each other. One guy who subsequently came down with Covid-...
Chris Eugene, Oregon Someone said we all react to covid in the way we're spring loaded to do.  Some go into outrage against the government.    You made a blog.   I denied it as long as possible, since I was planning to go to Europe.  Gradually, though, we seep out of our core tendencies and pick up on what else is going on, what is possible and from our default position grow into an intellectually interdependent understanding and potential for response.  The blog helps.  I hope more people will access it and post.  
Three More Pluses to the Coronavirus Jenna Orkin New York City 1. No guilt for leaving the laundry. Who knows what alien hand might have touched the machine in the basement after scratching what alien nose. 2. You don't feel as though you're missing out on life since everyone else is too. Put another way: There isn't any. Update on the laundry: There may be no guilt but until an hour ago, there was also no more clean underwear. I channeled my inner grandmother and did the laundry in the bathtub. Every corner of the cupboard and the dresser, the back of every chair, the knob of every drawer, the handlebars and even the mirror of my bicycle, all now have some piece of damp clothing hanging from them.  3: Doing the laundry in the bathtub also cleans the bathtub.